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Property Reports 

PREMIUM BROKER maybe able to sent you a complimentary digital property report for you property.

The report includes:
  - Photos, Map & Property Details
  - Estimated Value and Rent
  - Property History
  - Suburb Insights
  - Comparable Properties, Sold, for Sale, for Rent
The  digital report will remain alive and constantly updated over the next 30 days.
We trust you find the information helpful.
Do not rely on the Automated Valuation Estimate:
The Estimated Value is not a valuation or a professional appraisal, rather a mathematical calculation.
The reliability or accuracy of the Estimated Value may be adversely affected by the following factors:
- Insufficient or incorrect data
- If the property is particularly unusual compared to other properties previously sold in the area
- It is in a remote area where comparable sales are limited
- Has characteristics not commonly found  in surrounding properties
- Recent changes to the property such as renovation or subdivision.

If you want more information about the Automated Valuation, please refer to RP Data's FAQ section: 


If you are after another report or more information just email the address of the property to:
Jen Castro - or your broker directly.
If possible send the link to the property from the websites or 


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