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Adrian has been a mortgage broker for over 10 years, and prior to that worked for over 12 years with Commonwealth Bank.  In addition to having an extensive knowledge of Finance he has also worked in IT project management and  holds an Associate Diploma in Information Technology.


Premium Broker and Adrian work closely together and consult on most deals.

Adrian joined the Premium Broker Network in 2023.


Premium Broker Pty Limited ABN 40 105 746 692 are licensed under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and will be responsible for  legal compliance and arranging loans.

Where possible Premium Broker will manage all back off mortgage lending and arrangement of residential loans. Premium Broker may also conduct annual reviews and pricing requests on behalf of Adrian's clients. If you have mortgage related enquiries for existing loans
please contact Robert Ward, James Aitchison or John McLennan.


M: 0411 631 652

Premium Brokers are Accredited Members of YBR Aggregation Pty Ltd and
the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia.   Premium Broker Pty Limited ABN 40 105 746 692

© Premium Broker Pty Limited
Australian Credit Licence 392625

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