C.01 Compliance - Premium Broker
Compliance Guidelines and Agreements for Premium Broker ACR’s and staff Australian Credit Licence: Premium Broker Pty Ltd ABN: ...

C.02 Compliance - Credit Guide
Credit Guide The Credit Guide must be provided to the client as soon as possible, once finance is likely to proceed. A copy of the Credit...

C.03 Compliance - Privacy
Privacy Disclosure The Privacy Disclosure MUST : - be signed prior to completing an Equifax (Veda Advantage Check). - be signed prior to...

C.04 Compliance - Client's Identity
Client's Identity Every client must be identified, we recommend getting an updated copy of their driver’s licence for every new loan. ...

C.05 Compliance - Fact Find
Fact Find - Client Need's Analysis For the purposes of our Premium Broker's compliance, the VowNet CRM is considered an acceptable and...

C.06 Compliance - Assets
Fact Find - Assets Asset needs to be entered correctly and can be added by clicking on the ADD ASSET Button on the top right hand corner....

C.07 Compliance - Liabilities
Fact Find - Liabilities Liabilities needs to be entered correctly and can be added by clicking on the ADD LIABILITY Button on the top...

C.08b Compliance - Living Expenses
Fact Find - Living Expenses Premium Brokers need to be very vigilant with regards to LIVING EXPENSES. As a licensee, Premium Broker has...

C.08a Compliance - Dropbox & OneDrive
Using Dropbox VowNet allows you to automatically download all documents into your Dropbox account. This can be extremely helpful for...

C.08 Compliance - BankStatements
Using BankStatements.com.au Premium Broker has subscribed to illion Software's www.BankStatements.com.au. The software provides a number...