C.98 Compliance - Password policy

Password Policy
Employees & Contractors of Premium Broker must access a variety of IT resources, including computers and other hardware devices, data storage systems, and other accounts. Passwords are a key part of the company’s strategy to make sure only authorised people can access client’s personal information, resources and data. All contractors and employees who have access to any of those resources are responsible for choosing strong passwords and protecting their log-in information from unauthorized people.The purpose of this policy is to make sure all Premium Broker resources and data receive adequate password protection. The policy covers all employees & contractors who are responsible for one or more account or have access to any resource that requires a password.
Staff have a responsibilities to Premium Broker Pty Limited, their brokers and related entities. All employees/contractors:
be provided with their own unique password.
may never share their passwords with anyone else in the company, including co-workers, managers, administrative assistants, IT staff members, etc.
may never share their passwords with any outside parties, including those claiming to be representatives of a business partner.
should take steps to avoid phishing scams and other attempts by hackers to steal passwords and other sensitive information and should receive training on how to recognize these attacks.
must never leave themselves logged into an application or system where someone else can unknowingly use their account.
must refrain from writing passwords down and keeping them at their workstation
may not use password managers or other tools to help store and remember passwords.
VowNet Password Protocol
VowNet passwords are to be case-sensitive and must be longer than 11 character(s).
The password must include at least one lowercase character (eg. a, b, c); one uppercase character (eg. A, B, C); one digit (eg. 1, 2, 3); one symbol (eg. !, @, #);
VowNet offers a Two Factor Authentication. Premium Broker Brokers should Enable this extra level of security. To do so you will need to download an App called Duo Mobile to your iPhone and then follow the prompts of establishing an account and entering in a 6 digit code. The can be downloaded here:

Not everyone has an iphone so whilst this level of security is recommended, it is not formally required by brokers. Best practice is to keep you passwords as safe as possible.