C.32 Compliance - Loan Protection

Loan Protection
Within the Signed Credit Quote is a section of three (3) questions that needs to be answered relating to the Acknowledgment of Risk. The client needs to tick on for the following

IMPORTANT - If the client has left this section blank - you must contact the client and recorded their answer in VowNet. Be as specific as possible and if it was an email attached the email to Vownet.
Your Responsibility
This will depend on the what the client has answered:
(1) NO - please note Vownet in the client has elected No to loan protection questions. (2) YES - please note Vownet & ensure they are provided with a quote from ALI Group, equivalent or put in touch with a financial planner.
(3) MORE INFORMATION - Please note VowNet & ensure they are provided with a either a quote from ALI Group or referred to a financial planner.
IMPORTANT - The best place to note this is in the "Needs and Objectives" section of VowNet. This will allow you to select what the client decided and you can also make a comment about what happened and if the loan was referred to a Financial Planner
Example below:
